说明: 使用官方提供的开源项目,记得阅读代码,代码里有API操作演示 API文档: b2-sdk-java/B2.java at master · Backblaze/b2-sdk-java · GitHub 引入依赖 <dependency> <groupId>com.backblaze.b2</groupId> <artifactId>b2-sdk-core</artifactId> <version>6.1.1</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.backblaze.b2</groupId> <artifactId>b2-sdk-httpclient</artifactId> <version>6.1.1</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <!-- 文件上传 --> <dependency> <groupId>commons-fileupload</groupId> <artifactId>commons-fileupload</artifactId> <version>${commons-fileupload.version}</version> </dependency> <commons-fileupload.version>1.3.1</commons-fileupload.version> 注意:如何POM文件有Http-client和core依赖,要注释掉,因为B2的依赖自带 配置工具类 直接将官方的API代码复制过来,然后自己再二次封装成工具类调用即可: 官方的API测试类 package com.hl.travel.util.api; import com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClient; import com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClientFactory; import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentHandlers.B2ContentFileWriter; import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2ContentSource; import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2ContentTypes; import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2FileContentSource; import com.backblaze.b2.client.exceptions.B2Exception; import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.*; import com.backblaze.b2.json.B2Json; import com.backblaze.b2.json.B2JsonException; import com.backblaze.b2.util.B2ExecutorUtils; import com.backblaze.b2.util.B2IoUtils; import com.hl.travel.constant.S3Constant; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class B2 implements AutoCloseable{ private static final String APP_NAME = "b2_4j"; private static final String VERSION = "0.0.1"; private static final String USER_AGENT = APP_NAME + "/" + VERSION; // these just don't make sense (yet), since i'm getting credentials from the environment: // " b2 authorize_account [<applicationKeyId>] [<applicationKey>]\n" + // " b2 clear_account\n" + // these are more work than i want to do right now: // " b2 ls [--long] [--versions] <bucketName> [<folderName>]\n" + // " b2 sync [--delete] [--keepDays N] [--skipNewer] [--replaceNewer] \\\n" + // " [--threads N] [--noProgress] <source> <destination>\n" + private static final String USAGE = "USAGE:\n" + " b2 cancel_all_unfinished_large_files <bucketName>\n" + " b2 cancel_large_file <fileId>\n" + " b2 create_bucket <bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]\n" + " b2 delete_bucket <bucketName>\n" + " b2 delete_file_version <fileName> <fileId>\n" + " b2 download_file_by_id [--noProgress] <fileId> <localFileName>\n" + " b2 download_file_by_name [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName> <localFileName>\n" + " b2 finish_uploading_large_file [--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <largeFileId> <localFileName>\n" + " b2 get_download_authorization [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName>\n" + " b2 get_download_file_by_id_url [--noProgress] <fileId>\n" + " b2 get_download_file_by_name_url [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName>\n" + " b2 get_file_info <fileId>\n" + //" b2 help [commandName]\n" + " b2 hide_file <bucketName> <fileName>\n" + " b2 list_buckets\n" + " b2 list_file_names <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<maxPerFetch>] // unlike the python b2 cmd, this will continue fetching, until done.\n" + " b2 list_file_versions <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<startFileId>] [<maxPerFetch>] // unlike the python b2 cmd, this will continue fetching, until done.\n" + " b2 list_parts <largeFileId>\n" + " b2 list_unfinished_large_files <bucketName>\n" + //" b2 make_url <fileId>\n" + " b2 update_bucket <bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]\n" + " b2 update_bucket_cors_rules <bucketName> [rules | @rules.json]\n" + " b2 upload_file [--sha1 <sha1sum>] [--contentType <contentType>] [--info <key>=<value>]* \\\n" + " [--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <localFilePath> <b2FileName>\n" + " b2 upload_large_file [--sha1 <sha1sum>] [--contentType <contentType>] [--info <key>=<value>]* \\\n" + " [--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <localFilePath> <b2FileName>\n" + " b2 version\n"; // where we should write normal output to. private final PrintStream out; // our client. private final B2StorageClient client; // overridden by some command line args. private boolean showProgress = true; private int numThreads = 6; // this is our executor. use getExecutor() to access it. // it's null until the first time getExecutor() is called. private ExecutorService executor; public B2() { out = System.out; client = B2StorageClientFactory.createDefaultFactory().create(S3Constant.ACCESSKEY,S3Constant.SECRETKEY,S3Constant.USER_AGENT); } private ExecutorService getExecutor() { if (executor == null) { executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads, B2ExecutorUtils.createThreadFactory(APP_NAME + "-%d")); } return executor; } @Override public void close() { B2IoUtils.closeQuietly(client); if (executor != null) { B2ExecutorUtils.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(executor, 10, 10); executor = null; } } public static void usageAndExit(String errMsg) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + errMsg); System.err.println(); System.err.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } // public static void main(String[] args) throws B2Exception, IOException, B2JsonException { // //out.println("args = [" + String.join(",", args) + "]"); // // if (args.length == 0) { // usageAndExit("you must specify which command you want to run."); // } // // final String command = args[0]; // final String[] remainingArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); // try (S3Utils b2 = new S3Utils()) { // if ("cancel_all_unfinished_large_files".equals(command)) { // b2.cancel_all_unfinished_large_files(remainingArgs); // } else if ("cancel_large_file".equals(command)) { // b2.cancel_large_file(remainingArgs); // } else if ("create_bucket".equals(command)) { // b2.create_bucket(remainingArgs); // } else if ("delete_bucket".equals(command)) { // b2.delete_bucket(remainingArgs); // } else if ("delete_file_version".equals(command)) { // b2.delete_file_version(remainingArgs); // } else if ("download_file_by_id".equals(command)) { // b2.download_file_by_id(remainingArgs); // } else if ("download_file_by_name".equals(command)) { // b2.download_file_by_name(remainingArgs); // } else if ("finish_uploading_large_file".equals(command)) { // b2.finish_uploading_large_file(remainingArgs); // } else if ("get_download_authorization".equals(command)) { // b2.get_download_authorization(remainingArgs); // } else if ("get_download_file_by_id_url".equals(command)) { // b2.get_download_file_by_id_url(remainingArgs); // } else if ("get_download_file_by_name_url".equals(command)) { // b2.get_download_file_by_name_url(remainingArgs); // } else if ("get_file_info".equals(command)) { // b2.get_file_info(remainingArgs); // } else if ("hide_file".equals(command)) { // b2.hide_file(remainingArgs); // } else if ("list_buckets".equals(command)) { // b2.list_buckets(remainingArgs); // } else if ("list_file_names".equals(command)) { // b2.list_file_names(remainingArgs); // } else if ("list_file_versions".equals(command)) { // b2.list_file_versions(remainingArgs); // } else if ("list_parts".equals(command)) { // b2.list_parts(remainingArgs); // } else if ("list_unfinished_large_files".equals(command)) { // b2.list_unfinished_large_files(remainingArgs); // } else if ("update_bucket".equals(command)) { // b2.update_bucket(remainingArgs); // } else if ("update_bucket_cors_rules".equals(command)) { // b2.update_bucket_cors_rules(remainingArgs); // } else if ("upload_file".equals(command)) { // b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, false); // } else if ("upload_large_file".equals(command)) { // b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, true); // } else if ("version".equals(command)) { // b2.version(remainingArgs); // } else { // usageAndExit("unsupported command '" + command + "'"); // } // } // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // arg-related helpers // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void checkArgs(boolean isOk, String errMsg) { if (!isOk) { usageAndExit(errMsg); } } private void checkArgCount(String[] args, int minCount, int maxCount) { checkArgs(args.length >= minCount, "too few arguments"); checkArgs(args.length <= maxCount, "too many arguments"); } private void checkArgCount(String[] args, int exactCount) { checkArgCount(args, exactCount, exactCount); } @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") private void checkArgCountIsAtLeast(String[] args, int minCount) { checkArgCount(args, minCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private String getArgOrDie(String[] args, String arg, int iArg, int iLastArg) { if (iArg > iLastArg) { usageAndExit("missing argument for '" + arg + "'"); } return args[iArg]; } private String getArgOrNull(String[] args, int iArg) { if (iArg >= args.length) { return null; } return args[iArg]; } @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") private Integer getPositiveIntOrNull(String[] args, String arg, int iArg) { final String asString = getArgOrNull(args, iArg); if (asString == null) { return null; } try { return Integer.parseInt(asString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be an integer"); return 666; // we never get here. } } private int getIntArgOrDie(String[] args, String arg, int iArg, int iLastArg) { final String asString = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); try { return Integer.parseInt(asString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be an integer"); return 666; // we never get here. } } private int getPositiveIntArgOrDie(String[] args, String arg, int iArg, int iLastArg) { int value = getIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); if (value <= 0) { usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be a POSITIVE integer"); } return value; } /** * processes arguments from args[iFirstArg], through args[iLastArg], inclusive, * setting member variables as needed or does usageAndExit if the argument is unexpected. */ @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") private void handleCommonArgsOrDie(String[] args, int iFirstArg, int iLastArg) { for (int iArg = iFirstArg; iArg <= iLastArg; iArg++) { final String arg = args[iArg]; if ("--noProgress".equals(arg)) { showProgress = false; } else if ("--threads".equals(arg)) { iArg++; numThreads = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); } else { usageAndExit("unexpected argument '" + arg + "'"); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // helpers for the commands // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private B2Bucket getBucketByNameOrDie(String bucketName) throws B2Exception { for (B2Bucket bucket : client.buckets()) { if (bucket.getBucketName().equals(bucketName)) { return bucket; } } usageAndExit("can't find bucket named '" + bucketName + "'"); throw new RuntimeException("usageAndExit never returns!"); } private B2FileVersion getUnfinishedLargeFileOrDie(String bucketId, String largeFileId) throws B2Exception { for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucketId)) { if (version.getFileId().equals(largeFileId)) { return version; } } usageAndExit("can't find unfinished large file " + largeFileId); throw new RuntimeException("usageAndExit never returns!"); } private B2UploadFileRequest makeUploadRequestFromArgs(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--sha1 <sha1sum>] // [--contentType <contentType>] // [--info <key>=<value>]* // [--noProgress] // [--threads N] // <bucketName> <localFilePath> <b2FileName> checkArgCountIsAtLeast(args, 3); int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String b2Path = args[iLastArg]; iLastArg--; final String localPath = args[iLastArg]; iLastArg--; final String bucketName = args[iLastArg]; iLastArg--; String sha1 = null; String contentType = B2ContentTypes.B2_AUTO; final Map<String,String> infos = new TreeMap<>(); for (int iArg=0; iArg <= iLastArg; iArg++) { final String arg = args[iArg]; if ("--sha1".equals(arg)) { iArg++; sha1 = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); } else if ("--noProgress".equals(arg)) { showProgress = false; } else if ("--contentType".equals(arg)) { iArg++; contentType = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); } else if ("--threads".equals(arg)) { iArg++; numThreads = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); } else if ("--info".equals(arg)) { iArg++; final String pair = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg); final String[] vParts = pair.split("="); if (vParts.length != 2 || vParts[0].isEmpty()) { usageAndExit("bad format for argument to '" + arg + "' (" + pair + ")"); } infos.put(vParts[0], vParts[1]); } else { usageAndExit("unexpected argument '" + arg + "'"); } } final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2ContentSource source = B2FileContentSource .builder(new File(localPath)) .setSha1(sha1) .build(); return B2UploadFileRequest .builder(bucket.getBucketId(), b2Path, contentType, source) .setCustomFields(infos) .build(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // methods for each command // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void cancel_all_unfinished_large_files(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> checkArgCount(args, 1); final String bucketName = args[0]; final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucket.getBucketId())) { out.println(" about to cancel unfinished large file: " + version); client.cancelLargeFile(version.getFileId()); } } public void cancel_large_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <largeFileId> checkArgCount(args, 1); final String largeFileId = args[0]; client.cancelLargeFile(largeFileId); } public void create_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> <bucketType> checkArgCount(args, 2); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String bucketType = args[1]; client.createBucket(bucketName, bucketType); } public void update_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> <bucketType> checkArgCount(args, 2); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String bucketType = args[1]; final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2UpdateBucketRequest request = B2UpdateBucketRequest .builder(bucket) .setBucketType(bucketType) .build(); client.updateBucket(request); } public void update_bucket_cors_rules(String[] args) throws B2Exception, B2JsonException { // <bucketName> [rules | @rules.json] checkArgCount(args, 2); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String rulesString = args[1]; final List<B2CorsRule> corsRules = parseRules(rulesString); final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2UpdateBucketRequest request = B2UpdateBucketRequest .builder(bucket) .setCorsRules(corsRules) .build(); client.updateBucket(request); } private List<B2CorsRule> parseRules(String rulesString) throws B2JsonException { final B2Json b2Json = B2Json.get(); final String rulesJson; if (rulesString.startsWith("@")) { rulesJson = readFile(rulesString.substring(1)); } else { rulesJson = rulesString; } return b2Json.listFromJson(rulesJson, B2CorsRule.class); } private String readFile(String fileName) { try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { B2IoUtils.copy(in, out); return out.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("trouble reading from " + fileName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void delete_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception { checkArgCount(args, 1); final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(args[0]); client.deleteBucket(bucket.getBucketId()); } public void delete_file_version(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <fileName> <fileId> checkArgCount(args, 2); final String b2Path = args[0]; final String fileId = args[1]; client.deleteFileVersion(b2Path, fileId); } public void download_file_by_id(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--noProgress] <fileId> <localFileName> checkArgCount(args, 2, 3); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String fileId = args[iLastArg-1]; final String localFileName = args[iLastArg]; handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-2); final B2ContentFileWriter sink = B2ContentFileWriter .builder(new File(localFileName)) .setVerifySha1ByRereadingFromDestination(true) .build(); client.downloadById(fileId, sink); } public void get_download_authorization(String[] args) throws B2Exception, B2JsonException { // [--noProgress] <bucketId> <fileNamePrefix> <validDurationInSecs> checkArgCount(args, 3, 4); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String bucketId = args[iLastArg-2]; final String fileNamePrefix = args[iLastArg-1]; final int validDurationInSecs = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, "validDurationInSecs", iLastArg, iLastArg); //handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-1); B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest request = B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest .builder(bucketId, fileNamePrefix, validDurationInSecs) .setB2ContentDisposition("attachment; filename=\"helloHagi.txt\"") .build(); out.println(" downloadAuth: " + B2Json.get().toJson(client.getDownloadAuthorization(request))); } public void get_download_file_by_id_url(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--noProgress] <fileId> checkArgCount(args, 1, 2); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String fileId = args[iLastArg]; handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-1); out.println(" url: " + client.getDownloadByIdUrl(fileId)); } public void download_file_by_name(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName> <localFileName> checkArgCount(args, 3, 4); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-2]; final String b2Path = args[iLastArg-1]; final String localFileName = args[iLastArg]; handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-3); final B2ContentFileWriter sink = B2ContentFileWriter .builder(new File(localFileName)) .setVerifySha1ByRereadingFromDestination(true) .build(); client.downloadByName(bucketName, b2Path, sink); } public void get_download_file_by_name_url(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName> checkArgCount(args, 2, 3); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-1]; final String b2Path = args[iLastArg]; handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-2); out.println(" url: " + client.getDownloadByNameUrl(bucketName, b2Path)); } public void finish_uploading_large_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // [--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <largeFileId> <localPath> checkArgCount(args, 3, 5); final int iLastArg = args.length - 1; final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-2]; final String largeFileId = args[iLastArg-1]; final String localPath = args[iLastArg]; handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-3); final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2FileVersion largeFileVersion = getUnfinishedLargeFileOrDie(bucket.getBucketId(), largeFileId); final B2ContentSource source = B2FileContentSource .builder(new File(localPath)) .setSha1(largeFileVersion.getContentSha1()) .build(); B2UploadFileRequest request = B2UploadFileRequest .builder(bucket.getBucketId(), largeFileVersion.getFileName(), largeFileVersion.getContentType(), source) .setCustomFields(largeFileVersion.getFileInfo()) .build(); client.finishUploadingLargeFile(largeFileVersion, request, getExecutor()); } public void get_file_info(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <fileId> checkArgCount(args, 1); final String fileId = args[0]; final B2FileVersion version = client.getFileInfo(fileId); out.println(version); out.println(" fileInfo: " + version.getFileInfo()); } public void hide_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> <fileName> checkArgCount(args, 2); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String b2Path = args[1]; final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); client.hideFile(bucket.getBucketId(), b2Path); } public void list_buckets(String[] args) throws B2Exception { checkArgCount(args, 0); for (B2Bucket bucket : client.buckets()) { out.println(bucket); } } public void list_file_names(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<maxPerFetch >] checkArgCount(args, 1, 3); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String startFileName = getArgOrNull(args, 1); final Integer maxPerFetch = getPositiveIntOrNull(args, "maxPerFetch", 2); final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2ListFileNamesRequest.Builder builder = B2ListFileNamesRequest .builder(bucket.getBucketId()) .setMaxFileCount(maxPerFetch); if (startFileName != null) { builder.setStartFileName(startFileName); } final B2ListFileNamesRequest request = builder.build(); for (B2FileVersion version : client.fileNames(request)) { out.println(version); } } public void list_file_versions(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // list_file_versions <bucketName> [<startFileName> <startFileId>] [<maxPerFetch>] checkArgCount(args, 1, 4); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String startFileName = getArgOrNull(args, 1); final String startFileId = getArgOrNull(args, 2); final Integer maxPerFetch = getPositiveIntOrNull(args, "maxPerFetch", 3); if (startFileName != null) { checkArgs(startFileId != null, "if you specify startFileName, you must specify startFileId too"); } final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); final B2ListFileVersionsRequest.Builder builder = B2ListFileVersionsRequest .builder(bucket.getBucketId()) .setMaxFileCount(maxPerFetch); if (startFileName != null) { builder.setStart(startFileName, startFileId); } final B2ListFileVersionsRequest request = builder.build(); for (B2FileVersion version : client.fileVersions(request)) { out.println(version); } } public void list_unfinished_large_files(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> checkArgCount(args, 1); final String bucketName = args[0]; final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName); for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucket.getBucketId())) { out.println(version); out.println(" fileInfo: " + version.getFileInfo()); } } public void list_parts(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <largeFileId> checkArgCount(args, 1); final String largeFileId = args[0]; for (B2Part part : client.parts(largeFileId)) { out.println(part); } } public B2FileVersion upload_file(String[] args, boolean forceLarge) throws B2Exception, IOException { B2UploadFileRequest request = makeUploadRequestFromArgs(args); final long contentLength = request.getContentSource().getContentLength(); B2FileVersion b2FileVersion = null; if (forceLarge || client.getFilePolicy().shouldBeLargeFile(contentLength)) { client.uploadLargeFile(request, getExecutor()); } else { b2FileVersion = client.uploadSmallFile(request); } return b2FileVersion; } public void version(String[] args) { checkArgCount(args, 0); out.println("b2 command line tool in java, version " + VERSION); } public B2FileVersion getFileVersion(String[] args) throws B2Exception { // <bucketName> <fileName> checkArgCount(args, 2); final String bucketName = args[0]; final String b2FileName = args[1]; return client.getFileInfoByName(bucketName, b2FileName); } } 能看懂,学会调用就行 这里注意下构造B2时,修改密钥 public B2() { out = System.out; client = B2StorageClientFactory.createDefaultFactory().create(S3Constant.ACCESSKEY,S3Constant.SECRETKEY,S3Constant.USER_AGENT); } 关于USER_AGENT我是这样配置的: public static final String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.41"; 二次封装成工具类 只需要简单的上传,删除即可 package com.hl.travel.util; import com.backblaze.b2.client.exceptions.B2Exception; import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2FileVersion; import com.backblaze.b2.json.B2JsonException; import com.hl.travel.util.api.B2; import com.sun.tools.javadoc.resources.javadoc; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class B2Utils { public static void uploadFile(String Command, String bucketName, String filePath, String fileName) throws B2Exception, IOException, B2JsonException { // 组织文件命令 String[] args = new String[6]; args = new String[]{Command, bucketName, filePath, fileName}; try (B2 b2 = new B2()) { if (args.length == 0) { b2.usageAndExit("you must specify which command you want to run."); } final String command = args[0]; final String[] remainingArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); if ("b2.upload_file".equals(command)) { b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, false); } else if ("b2.upload_large_file".equals(command)) { b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, true); } else { b2.usageAndExit("unsupported command '" + command + "'"); } } } public static void deleteFile(String Command, String bucketName, String fileName) throws B2Exception, IOException, B2JsonException { // 根据文件名获取文件id String fileId = getFileVersion(bucketName, fileName).getFileId(); // 组织文件命令 String[] args = new String[6]; args = new String[]{Command, fileName, fileId}; try (B2 b2 = new B2()) { if (args.length == 0) { b2.usageAndExit("you must specify which command you want to run."); } final String command = args[0]; final String[] remainingArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); if ("b2.delete_file_version".equals(command)) { b2.delete_file_version(remainingArgs); } else { b2.usageAndExit("unsupported command '" + command + "'"); } } } public static B2FileVersion getFileVersion(String bucketName, String fileName) throws B2Exception, IOException, B2JsonException { // 组织文件命令 String[] args = new String[6]; args = new String[]{bucketName, fileName}; try (B2 b2 = new B2()) { if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) { b2.usageAndExit("you must specify which command you want to run."); } return b2.getFileVersion(args); } } } 文件上传 public Result upload(MultipartFile imgFile) { try { //获取原始文件名 String originalFilename = imgFile.getOriginalFilename(); File tempFile = File.createTempFile("upload-", ".tmp"); imgFile.transferTo(tempFile); // 在这里可以使用临时文件路径进行后续操作 String tempFilePath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println("临时文件路径:" + tempFilePath); // 找到.最后出现的位置 int lastIndexOf = originalFilename.lastIndexOf("."); //获取文件后缀 String suffix = originalFilename.substring(lastIndexOf); //使用UUID随机产生文件名称,防止同名文件覆盖 String fileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { B2Utils.uploadFile(S3Constant.UPLOAD_FILE,S3Constant.BUCKET_NAME,tempFilePath,fileName); // 处理完临时文件后,手动删除 if (tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.delete(); System.out.println("临时文件已删除"); } } catch (B2Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (B2JsonException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } //图片上传成功 Result result = new Result(true, MessageConstant.PIC_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, fileName); return result; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new Result(false,MessageConstant.PIC_UPLOAD_FAIL); } } 拓展 官方文档: Getting Started with the S3 Compatible API – Backblaze Help b2_authorize_account