动态 SQL 是 MyBatis 的强大特性之一。在 JDBC 或其它类似的框架中,开发人员通常需要手动拼接 SQL 语句 。根据不同的条件拼接 SQL 语句是一件极其痛苦的工作。例如,拼接时要确保添加了必要的空格,还要注意去掉列表最后一个列名的逗号 。而动态 SQL 恰好解决了这一问题,可以根据场景动态的构建查询。
动态 SQL:code that is executed dynamically。 它一般是根据用户输入或外部条件动态组合的 SQL 语句块。 动态 SQL 能灵活的发挥 SQL 强大的功能、方便的解决一些其它方法难以解决的问题。 相信使用过动态 SQL 的人都能体会到它带来的便利,然而动态 SQL 有时候在执行性能 (效率) 上面不如静态 SQL,而且使用不恰当,往往会在安全方面存在隐患 (SQL 注入式攻击)。
1.Mybatis 动态 sql 是做什么的?
Mybatis 动态 sql 可以让我们在 Xml 映射文件内,以标签的形式编写动态 sql,完成逻辑判断和动态拼接 sql 的功能 。
2.Mybatis 的 9 种 动 态 sql 标 签有哪些?
元素 作用 备注 if 判断语句 单条件分支判断 choose(when、otherwise) 相当于 Java 中的 switch case 语句 多条件分支判断 trim,where 辅助元素 用于处理一些 SQL 拼装问题 foreach 循环语句 在 in 语句等列举条件常用 bind 辅助元素 拼接参数
3. 动态 sql 的执行原理?
原理为:使用 OGNL 从 sql 参数对象中计算表达式的值,根据表达式的值动态拼接 sql,以此来完成动态 sql 的功能。
二:MyBatis 标签
1.if 标签:条件判断
MyBatis if 类似于 Java 中的 if 语句,是 MyBatis 中最常用的判断语句。使用 if 标签可以节省许多拼接 SQL 的工作,把精力集中在 XML 的维护上。
(1)不使用动态 sql
< select id = "selectUserByUsernameAndSex"
resultType = "user" parameterType = "com.ys.po.User" >
<!-- 这里和普通的sql 查询语句差不多,对于只有一个参数,后面的 #{id}表示占位符,里面 不一定要写id,
写啥都可以,但是不要空着,如果有多个参数则必须写pojo类里面的属性 -->
select * from user where username=#{username} and sex=#{sex}
</ select >
if 语句使用方法简单,常常与 test 属性联合使用。语法如下。
< select id = "selectAllWebsite" resultMap = "myResult" >
select id,name,url from website
where 1=1
< if test = "name != null" >
AND name like #{name}
</ if >
< if test = "url!= null" >
AND url like #{url}
</ if ></ select >
(2)使用动态 sql
上面的查询语句,我们可以发现,如果 #{username} 为空,那么查询结果也是空 ,如何解决这个问题呢?使用 if 来判断,可多个 if 语句同时使用。以下语句表示为可以按照网站名称(name)或者网址(url)进行模糊查询。如果您不输入名称或网址,则返回所有的网站记录 。但是,如果你传递了任意一个参数,它就会返回与给定参数相匹配的记录。
< select id = "findQuery" resultType = "Student" >
< include refid = "selectvp" />
< where >
< if test = "sacc != null" >
sacc like concat('%' #{sacc} '%')
</ if >
< if test = "sname != null" >
AND sname like concat('%' #{sname} '%')
</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >
AND sex=#{sex}
</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >
AND phone=#{phone}
</ if >
</ where >
</ select >
2.where+if 标签
where、if 同时使用可以进行查询、模糊查询
失败后, <where>
关键字只会去掉库表字段赋值前面的 and,不会去掉语句后面的 and 关键字,即注意,<where>
只会去掉 <if>
语句中的最开始的 and 关键字。所以下面的形式是不可取的
< update id = "upd" >
update student
< set >
< if test = "sname != null" >sname=#{sname},</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >spwd=#{spwd},</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >sex=#{sex},</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >phone=#{phone}</ if >
</ set >
where sid=#{sid}
</ update >
这个 “where” 标签会知道如果它包含的标签中有返回值的话,它就插入一个‘where’。此外,如果标签返回的内容是以 AND 或 OR 开头的,则它会剔除掉。
3.set 标签
set 可以用来修改
< select id = "selectUserByChoose" resultType = "com.ys.po.User" parameterType = "com.ys.po.User" >
select * from user
< where >
< choose >
< when test = "id !='' and id != null" >
</ when >
< when test = "username !='' and username != null" >
and username=#{username}
</ when >
< otherwise >
and sex=#{sex}
</ otherwise >
</ choose >
</ where >
</ select >
4.choose(when,otherwise) 语句
有时候,我们不想用到所有的查询条件,只想选择其中的一个,查询条件有一个满足即可,使用 choose 标签可以解决此类问题,类似于 Java 的 switch 语句
< select id = "selectUserByUsernameAndSex" resultType = "user" parameterType = "com.ys.po.User" >
select * from user
<!-- <where>
<if test="username != null">
<if test="username != null">
and sex=#{sex}
</where> -->
< trim prefix = "where" prefixOverrides = "and | or" >
< if test = "username != null" >
and username=#{username}
</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >
and sex=#{sex}
</ if >
</ trim >
</ select >
如果 id 不为空,那么查询语句为:select * from user where id=?
如果 id 为空,那么看 username 是否为空,如果不为空,那么语句为 select * from user where username=?;
如果 username 为空,那么查询语句为 select * from user where sex=?
trim 标记是一个格式化的标记,可以完成 set 或者是 where 标记的功能
①、用 trim 改写上面第二点的 if+where 语句
<!-- 根据 id 更新 user 表的数据 -->
< update id = "updateUserById" parameterType = "com.ys.po.User" >
update user u
<!-- <set>
<if test="username != null and username != ''">
u.username = #{username},
<if test="sex != null and sex != ''">
u.sex = #{sex}
</set> -->
< trim prefix = "set" suffixOverrides = "," >
< if test = "username != null and username != ''" >
u.username = #{username},
</ if >
< if test = "sex != null and sex != ''" >
u.sex = #{sex},
</ if >
</ trim >
where id=#{id}
</ update >
prefixoverride:去掉第一个 and 或者是 or
②、用 trim 改写上面第三点的 if+set 语句
< insert id = "add" >
insert into student
< trim prefix = "(" suffix = ")" suffixOverrides = "," >
< if test = "sname != null" >sname,</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >spwd,</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >sex,</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >phone,</ if >
</ trim >
< trim prefix = "values (" suffix = ")" suffixOverrides = "," >
< if test = "sname != null" >#{sname},</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >#{spwd},</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >#{sex},</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >#{phone}</ if >
</ trim >
</ insert >
suffixoverride:去掉最后一个逗号(也可以是其他的标记,就像是上面前缀中的 and 一样)
3.trim+if 同时使用可以添加
< select id = "findAll" resultType = "Student" parameterType = "Integer" >
< include refid = "selectvp" /> WHERE sid in
< foreach item = "ids" collection = "array" open = "(" separator = "," close = ")" >
</ foreach >
</ select >
< delete id = "del" parameterType = "Integer" >
delete from student where sid in
< foreach item = "ids" collection = "array" open = "(" separator = "," close = ")" >
</ foreach >
</ delete >
6.MyBatis foreach 标签
foreach 是用来对集合的遍历,这个和 Java 中的功能很类似。通常处理 SQL 中的 in 语句。
foreach 元素的功能非常强大,它允许你指定一个集合,声明可以在元素体内使用的集合项(item)和索引(index)变量。它也允许你指定开头与结尾的字符串以及集合项迭代之间的分隔符。这个元素也不会错误地添加多余的分隔符
你可以将任何可迭代对象(如 List、Set 等)、Map 对象或者数组对象作为集合参数传递给 foreach。当使用可迭代对象或者数组时,index 是当前迭代的序号,item 的值是本次迭代获取到的元素。当使用 Map 对象(或者 Map.Entry 对象的集合)时,index 是键,item 是值。
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
<! DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
< mapper namespace = "com.yzx.mapper.StuMapper" >
< sql id = "selectvp" >
select * from student
</ sql >
< select id = "find" resultType = "Student" >
< include refid = "selectvp" />
</ select >
< select id = "findbyid" resultType = "student" >
< include refid = "selectvp" />
< if test = "sid != null" >
AND sid like #{sid}
</ if >
</ select >
< select id = "findQuery" resultType = "Student" >
< include refid = "selectvp" />
< where >
< if test = "sacc != null" >
sacc like concat('%' #{sacc} '%')
</ if >
< if test = "sname != null" >
AND sname like concat('%' #{sname} '%')
</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >
AND sex=#{sex}
</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >
AND phone=#{phone}
</ if >
</ where >
</ select >
< update id = "upd" >
update student
< set >
< if test = "sname != null" >sname=#{sname},</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >spwd=#{spwd},</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >sex=#{sex},</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >phone=#{phone}</ if >
</ set >
where sid=#{sid}
</ update >
< insert id = "add" >
insert into student
< trim prefix = "(" suffix = ")" suffixOverrides = "," >
< if test = "sname != null" >sname,</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >spwd,</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >sex,</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >phone,</ if >
</ trim >
< trim prefix = "values (" suffix = ")" suffixOverrides = "," >
< if test = "sname != null" >#{sname},</ if >
< if test = "spwd != null" >#{spwd},</ if >
< if test = "sex != null" >#{sex},</ if >
< if test = "phone != null" >#{phone}</ if >
</ trim >
</ insert >
< select id = "findAll" resultType = "Student" parameterType = "Integer" >
< include refid = "selectvp" /> WHERE sid in
< foreach item = "ids" collection = "array" open = "(" separator = "," close = ")" >
</ foreach >
</ select >
< delete id = "del" parameterType = "Integer" >
delete from student where sid in
< foreach item = "ids" collection = "array" open = "(" separator = "," close = ")" >
</ foreach >
</ delete >
</ mapper >
package com.yzx.test;
import com.yzx.entity.Student;
import com.yzx.mapper.StuMapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.io.Resources;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
public class StuTest {
SqlSession sqlSession = null ;
InputStream is = null ;
@ Before
public void before () throws IOException {
is = Resources. getResourceAsStream ( "sqlMapperConfig.xml" );
SqlSessionFactoryBuilder sqlSessionFactoryBuilder =new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder ();
SqlSessionFactory build = sqlSessionFactoryBuilder. build (is);
sqlSession = build. openSession ();
@ After
public void after (){
sqlSession. commit ();
sqlSession. close ();
if (is != null ){
try {
is. close ();
} catch (IOException e ) {
e. printStackTrace ();
@ Test
public void find (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
List< Student > list = mapper. find ();
list. forEach (a -> System.out. println (a));
@ Test
public void findbyid (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
List< Student > list = mapper. findbyid ( 2 );
list. forEach (a -> System.out. println (a));
@ Test
public void findQuery (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
Student stu =new Student ();
stu. setSname ( "小" );
stu. setSex ( "男" );
List< Student > list = mapper. findQuery (stu);
list. forEach (a -> System.out. println (a));
@ Test
public void upd (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
Student stu =new Student ();
stu. setSid ( 3 );
stu. setSname ( "小若" );
stu. setSex ( "人妖" );
int i = mapper. upd (stu);
System.out. println ( "修改了" + i + "条数据" + " " + stu. toString ());
@ Test
public void add (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
Student stu =new Student ();
stu. setSname ( "小贺" );
stu. setSex ( "男" );
stu. setPhone ( "99999999" );
int i = mapper. add (stu);
System.out. println ( "添加了" + i + "条数据" + " " + stu. toString ());
@ Test
public void findAll (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
Integer [] i = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
List< Student > list = mapper. findAll (i);
list. forEach (a -> System.out. println (a));
@ Test
public void del (){
StuMapper mapper = sqlSession. getMapper (StuMapper.class);
Integer [] i = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
int i1 = mapper. del (i);
System.out. println ( "删除了" + i1 + "条数据" );
<sql id = "selectvp" >
select * from student
< select id = "findbyid" resultType = "student" >
< include refid = "selectvp" />
< if test = "sid != null" >
AND sid like #{sid}
</ if >
</ select >
这个标签和 <\sql> 是天仙配,是共生的,include 用于引用 sql 标签定义的常量。比如引用上面 sql 标签定义的常量
refid 这个属性就是指定 <\sql> 标签中的 id 值(唯一标识)
< resultMap id = "myStudent1" type = "student1" >
< id property = "sid" column = "sid" />
< result property = "sname" column = "sname" />
< result property = "sex" column = "sex" />
< result property = "sage" column = "sage" />
< collection property = "list" ofType = "teacher" >
< id property = "tid" column = "tid" />
< result property = "tname" column = "tname" />
< result property = "tage" column = "tage" />
</ collection >
</ resultMap >
< select id = "find1" resultMap = "myStudent1" >
select * from student1 s left join teacher t on s.sid=t.sid
</ select >
9. 如何引用其他 XML 中的 SQL 片段
比如你在 com.xxx.dao.xxMapper 这个 Mapper 的 XML 中定义了一个 SQL 片段如下:
< resultMap id = "myTeacher" type = "teacher" >
< id property = "tid" column = "tid" />
< result property = "tname" column = "tname" />
< result property = "tage" column = "tage" />
< association property = "student1" javaType = "Student1" >
< id property = "sid" column = "sid" />
< result property = "sname" column = "sname" />
< result property = "sex" column = "sex" />
< result property = "sage" column = "sage" />
</ association >
</ resultMap >
< select id = "find2" resultMap = "myTeacher" >
select * from teacher t right join student1 s on t.sid=s.sid
</ select >
此时我在 com.xxx.dao.PatinetMapper 中的 XML 文件中需要引用,如下:
<!--多对多 以谁为主表查询的时候,主表约等于1的一方,另一方相当于多的一方-->
< select id = "find3" resultMap = "myStudent1" >
select * from student1 s left join relevance r on s.sid=r.sid left join teacher t on r.tid=t.tid
</ select >
三:MyBatis 关联查询
1.MyBatis 一对多关联查询
< resultMap id = "myStudent1" type = "student1" >
< id property = "sid" column = "sid" />
< result property = "sname" column = "sname" />
< result property = "sex" column = "sex" />
< result property = "sage" column = "sage" />
< collection property = "list" ofType = "teacher" >
< id property = "tid" column = "tid" />
< result property = "tname" column = "tname" />
< result property = "tage" column = "tage" />
</ collection >
</ resultMap >
< select id = "find1" resultMap = "myStudent1" >
select * from student1 s left join teacher t on s.sid=t.sid
</ select >
2.MyBatis 多对一关联查询
< resultMap id = "myTeacher" type = "teacher" >
< id property = "tid" column = "tid" />
< result property = "tname" column = "tname" />
< result property = "tage" column = "tage" />
< association property = "student1" javaType = "Student1" >
< id property = "sid" column = "sid" />
< result property = "sname" column = "sname" />
< result property = "sex" column = "sex" />
< result property = "sage" column = "sage" />
</ association >
</ resultMap >
< select id = "find2" resultMap = "myTeacher" >
select * from teacher t right join student1 s on t.sid=s.sid
</ select >
3.MyBatis 多对多关联查询
<!--多对多 以谁为主表查询的时候,主表约等于1的一方,另一方相当于多的一方-->
< select id = "find3" resultMap = "myStudent1" >
select * from student1 s left join relevance r on s.sid=r.sid left join teacher t on r.tid=t.tid
</ select >